This release is a huge gamble for Nolan, the WB, and cinema in general — will people show up to watch a movie in the dark, with hundreds of strangers around them and a no-mask policy to boot? That’s the big question we’ve been asking ourselves for months now and we will finally be getting an answer to it in late August. I’m all set to watch “Tenet” sometime next week, the embargo is, understandably, very specific and strict — I’ll have to be, mostly, cryptic from here on in. Warner Bros. is set to open Nolan’s long-awaited epic in over 70 countries worldwide, including Europe and Canada, starting on Wednesday, August 26. Meanwhile, “Tenet” will be released in the U.S. on September 3rd in cities that “have reopened safely.” There is still no word yet on whether the two biggest American markets (New York City and Los Angeles) will allow “Tenet” to screen in their theaters, mostly due to the severe and restrictive COVID-19 laws that have been put into place in those respective cities. Contribute Hire me

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