If you remember, back in December of 2018, Villeneuve had revealed an urge he had in the “Blade Runner 2049" editing room to release the film in two separate parts as he originally had a 4 hour cut of the film. Then there was another urge to release the 240 minute cut in its entirety, saying that cut was “quite strong,” which, of course, didn’t make much sense commercially as that kind of running time tends to be a box-office kiss of death. Nevertheless, when it comes to “Dune,” rumor has it that Villeneuve will indeed be splitting the film into two parts. For all the complaints that American filmmakers might have with the lack of creative freedom they are given for their films, Villeneuve is that rarity in the industry, along with Nolan; somebody that has actually managed to make no concessions and have studio heads give him the freedom that he needs to make the movies that he wants to make. Contribute Hire me

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