“How bad were the Academy Awards this year?” Trump asked, prompting boos from the crowd. “Did you see it? The winner is… a movie from South Korea! What the hell was that all about?” He went on, “We got enough problems with South Korea with trade. On top of that, they give them best movie of the year? Was it good? I don’t know. Let’s get ‘Gone With the Wind.’ Can we get ‘Gone With the Wind’ back, please?” “So many great movies…” he groaned before concluding, “the winner is from South Korea! I thought it was best foreign film, right? Best foreign movie,” he said. “Did this ever happen before?” It seems as though 45 thought a foreign-language movie could not win Best Picture. Of course, for a President firmly touting “America First” in most of his policy decision-making, the Oscar not going to an American movie must surely irk him to no ends, otherwise, he wouldn’t have mentioned it in his speech. Contribute Hire me

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