Rose McGowan went after Streep on Twitter in a since deleted tweet: “Actresses, like Meryl Streep, who happily worked for The Pig Monster, are wearing black @goldenglobes in a silent protest. YOUR SILENCE is THE problem. You’ll accept a fake award breathlessly & affect no real change. I despise your hypocrisy. Maybe you should all wear Marchesa.” What are my two cents on this whole Weinstein “saga”? Everyone in Hollywood knew about this. They may not have known the scope of Weinstein’s perverse actions, but those fuckers KNEW A LOT.  They all just felt it was the price of entrance to the ball, to Harvey’s party. Harvey was the biggest and the meanest SOB around, and he could make or break you. So people capitulated, and rationalized, and dealt with the devil they knew. There’s a lot of dirty hands in Hollywood because this scam took many people to perpetuate. The only reason why it’s now a big deal is that his power had severely diminished over the last few years  Harvey’s day of reckoning is speeding toward him like a bullet train. He’s fixin’ to be a little-squashed penny. It’s tricky because every day, the rules change - can you still claim that you never knew about it? (Since every day, that excuse sounds more absurd.) When was the cutoff time for making a tweet of support that absolves you from your years of knowing about it but not saying anything? How many awards won under Harvey’s mentoring make it impossible for you to be a “hero”?  And then you have Ben Affleck that plays the “I’m shocked, shocked! to hear that such a thing would occur - this is unacceptable, we need to do better!” card - and only a few hours later he’s accused of groping two women on two separate occasions. The sheer hypocrisy of this industry is in full display here folks and it will take a lot of months, maybe years, for Hollywood to recover from this. We know that Matt Damon and Russell Crowe tried to bury the NYT story in 2004, I mean, essentially, they should be counted as accomplices, no?  [Sunday Times Magazine] Contribute Hire me

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