Barr has been on a bit of a tear lately though, refusing to adhere to any politically-correct demeanor, even after being axed by ABC for a “controversial” tweet. No, she has decided not to conform to any of the political activists that want her to just go away and shut up. If anything, Roseanne has doubled down on her free-flowingly outspoken thinking of late. Barr’s off-the-rails interview on Candace Owen’s radio show will likely cause a stir. In it she calls the creators of the #MeToo movement “hos” and attacks Sen. Kamala Harris and Christine Blasey Ford. “They’re pretending that they didn’t go to trade sexual favors for money,” Barr said. When Owens mentioned the women who accused comedian Louis C.K. of sexual misconduct, Barr replied, “That’s who I’m talking about, too.” “I know a ho when I see one,” proclaims Barr. The Roseanne episode of the “Candace Owens Show” went online Sunday. When the topic of Democratic Presidential candidate Kamala Harris came up, Barr didn’t hold back “Look at Kamala Harris, who I call Kama Sutra Harris,” which is Barr taking a shot at the relationship Harris had with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who took her under his wings and promoted her under his tenure. “We all know what she did… she slept her way to the bottom,” the comedian said. Barr also mentions that Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford “should be in prison.” “White women privilege” is the only thing that kept the accuser out of jail, Barr said. As for Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Barr, a proud Jew, declares, “It’s scary that we have Hamas in our Congress,” referencing the Palestinian terror group. Both pols are Muslim. Also adding that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) openly “hate[s] Jews.” Contribute Hire me

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